Valmet – SCA Östrand – Demanding Evaporator Plant Installation Project

Client: Valmet, 2017
Location: SCA Östrand
Country: Sweden

Nordic Power Service Oy delivered under contract with Valmet AB, SCA Östrand Mill Evaporation plant main and auxiliary equipment, and piping installations among the overall mill expansion project. Delivery included also full supply and management of piping prefabrication including materials, as well as NDT inspections and tower cranes for lifting. Project became the biggest delivery in NPS history.

Project preparations and prefabrication was started end of 2016, and site works in March 2017. Mechanical Completion was achieved in October 2017. At the mill shut down peak installation NPS overall site allocation was nearby 200 persons. Total piping length reached over 13 km, total weight of installed equipment over 2250 tons, biggest individual equipment lifted being 230 tons with height over 23 m. Project was challenging due to extremely short overall installation schedule. Evaporation plant full operation in commercial use took place soon after commissioning period in the beginning of 2018, and the plant is functioning well.